Ultradian Cycle Tracker 🔧

This script tracks the time since the last login and notifies the user to take a break every 90 minutes.

// Name: Ultradian Cycle Tracker
// Description: This script tracks the time since the last login and notifies the user to take a break every 90 minutes.
// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/euffelmann/
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website: https://schmedu.com
// Schedule: */1 * * * *

import "@johnlindquist/kit";

async function getSystemInfoDb() {
    let database = await db(await kenvPath("db", "system-info.json"), {
        lastLogin: new Date().toString(),
        lastLogout: void 0,
        dates: {},
        currentTasks: [],
        wasShutDown: false,
    return database;

const TIME_LIMIT = 90;
const INTERVAL_TIME = 5;

let database = await getSystemInfoDb();

// check if last login is more than 90 minutes ago
let lastLogin = Date.parse(database.lastLogin);

// how much time has passed since last login
let timeSinceLastLogin = new Date().getTime() - lastLogin;

// timeSinceLastLogin in Minutes
let timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes = parseInt(
    (timeSinceLastLogin / 1000 / 60).toFixed(0)

await menu(`${timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes}m`); // update the time in the menu bar

if (process.env.KIT_TRIGGER === "menu" || process.env.KIT_TRIGGER === "kar") {
    let currentDate = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
    let totalTime = database.dates[currentDate]?.totalTime || 0;
    totalTime += timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes;
        title: "Working Time",
        message: `Currently: ${timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes.toFixed(0)}m - Total: ${(totalTime / 60).toFixed(

if (
    timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes >= TIME_LIMIT &&
    Number(timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes.toFixed(0)) % INTERVAL_TIME == 0 &&
    Date.parse(database.lastLogout) < lastLogin
) {
        title: "Ultradian Cycle Tracker",
        message: `${timeSinceLastLoginInMinutes.toFixed(
        )} mins worked! Take a break!`,