ChatGPT Anywhere

Use AI in Your Day-to-Day Tasks 🤖

Leverage the full potential of ChatGPT and have it ready in any application. Build your own wrappers for the OpenAI API and save money.

5 out of 5 stars

This is the most efficient and flexible work I have used for the UI of an AI API

(Read more)

5 out of 5 stars

I'm amazed with the therapist-function so far. Thank you very much!

(Read more)

5 out of 5 stars

This is a much faster process than the alternate ChatGPT options I was using, and best of all there is no subscription to worry about

(Read more)
Arnaud L.

5 out of 5 stars

This is the most useful toolkit for quick and daily use of ChatGPT.

(Read more)
Elie Arnulf

5 out of 5 stars

I am truly impressed by the quality and usefulness of these tools, which have been tremendously beneficial in my work.

(Read more)
Pedro H.

Keyboard First

Navigate ChatGPT by Shortcuts ⌨

Use ChatGPT with your keyboard only. No more switching to your mouse. No more clicking around. Just type and go.

Speak With ChatGPT.
You can now speak instead of typing text. Just press `⌘ + .` to activate the recording and get a transcription from Whisper. Easy peasy :-)
Save in File.
Type `⌘ + S` to save the current ch...
Copy to Clipboard.
With `⌘ + ⇧ + C` you can copy the l...
Extract Markdown.
`⌘ + M` extracts the markdown from ...
Text View.
If you need to copy a little sectio...
Change Model.
With `⌃ + C` you access the Chat Co...
Change Temperature.
You can change the temperature of C...
Add/Remove Plugins.
You can add and remove Plugins duri...

No Membership Necessary

Add Plugins To Every Chat 🔌

Use locally running plugins. This allows you to give ChatGPT access to your machine. And you can even add your own plugins, too.

Vision / Image Input.
Let ChatGPT see images and describe them. It uses the ChatGPT-5 Vision Model for this.
Webbrowser (β).
Let ChatGPT access a website and gi...
Search Google.
Give ChatGPT access to Google Searc...
Run Python Code (β).
ChatGPT with the power of Python. L...
Create Calendar Event.
Let ChatGPT add an event to one of ...
Get Selected File.
Gives ChatGPT the path of the selec...
Build Your Own Plugin.
You can create your own plugins usi...

For The Best Workflow..

Trigger ChatGPT From Anywhere 💬

There are multiple ways how you can trigger your tools. Whether you are a developer or not. Each tool can be triggered separately.

You can use which ever shortcut you want. I would recommend using Karabiner Elements and the 'Hyper Key' to trigger the tools.
Type a text in any application and open the chat window.
Type `⌘ + ;` in any application to open ScriptKit and search for any script you want to run.
You can use `~/.kit/kar` to trigger your tool with bash.

Your ChatGPT Tools

Prompt Libraries on Steroids 🔋

Add functions to your libraries. Accessible from any application - just one shortcut / snippet away. And you can create your own. There's a tool for that, too.

🧰 chatGpt /

Add ChatGPT Tool 🔧

Create a custom tool for ChatGPT.

Tool: Add ChatGPT Tool, Create a custom tool for ChatGPT. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
create custom tool, create cus...

🧰 chatGpt /

ChatGPT 4 🔧

Open a chat with ChatGPT in any application and ei... (Read more)

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";

await startChat({
    model: "gpt-4-turbo",
    temperature: 1,
    functions: [],
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
chatgpt, gpt4

🧰 chatGpt /

Claude 3 Opus Chat 🔧

Open a chat with the Claude 3 Opus model in any ap... (Read more)

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";

await startChat({
    model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
    temperature: 1,
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
opus, anthropic

🧰 chatGpt /

ChatGPT With Functions 🔧

Allow ChatGPT to access your computer and run func... (Read more)

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";
import os from "os";
// import { CustomFunctions } from "../../../lib/chatGptFunctions"; // For user build functions that are stored in ~/.kenv/lib/chatGptFunctions/index.ts

await startChat({
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
    temperature: 1,
    systemMessage: `You have now access to my system and you are able to perform any direct interactions with my local environment such as accessing my file system, running bash commands, executing python code with the 'runPython' function, and creating/saving files on my own io the platform. 
The name of the user is ${os.userInfo().username}.
You can use every function on the users macOS system to accomplish every task, especially everything that needs to be computed. Try to be bold!

IMPORTANT: Before you decide to install any packages, please check if they are already installed.
Don't run commands, that could return a huge output, always limit the output to the necessary information.
Always assume you are in the Home directory when you run a bash command.`,
    functions: [
        // CustomFunctions.greetingsFunction, // Just an example of how to use a custom function
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
python, bash, kit, chatgpt, gp...

🧰 chatGpt /

ChatGPT 3.5 🔧

Open a chat with ChatGPT in any application and ei... (Read more)

Tool: ChatGPT 3.5, Open a chat with ChatGPT in any application and either copy the (markdown) text, or save it in a file. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
chatgpt, gpt3, gpt4

🧰 chatGpt /

ChatGPTherapist 🔧

Chat with your ai therapist.

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";

await startChat({
    systemMessage: `You are a therapist. Stay in your role and don't play out of character. Don't write any comments or recommendations apart from that role.`,
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
chatgpt, gpt3, gpt4, therapist

🧰 chatGpt /

Chat History 🔧

Look through your previous chat and continue where... (Read more)

Tool: Chat History, Look through your previous chat and continue where you left of. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
chat history, resume previous ...

🧰 chatGpt /

Continue Last Chat 🔧

Continue where you left of.

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { continueLastChat } from "../lib/common";

await continueLastChat();
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
chat history, resume last chat...

🧰 chatGpt /

Correct Text With ChatGpt 🔧

Correct Text for misspellings and grammatical erro... (Read more)

Tool: Correct Text With ChatGpt, Correct Text for misspellings and grammatical errors with ChatGpt. No need to go for a subscription with an expensive service. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
correct text, chatgpt, gpt3, g...

🧰 chatGpt /

Create Cal Event with ChatGPT 🔧

Allow ChatGPT to create a calendar Event for you v... (Read more)

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";
import { getCalendars, getCurrentDayOfWeek } from "../lib/functions/implementations/calendar";
import { Functions } from "../lib/functions";
import { getSetting } from "../lib/settings";

let calendars = await getCalendars();

const defaultCalendar = await getSetting("defaultCalendar");
const CALENDAR_STRING = => `- ${cal}`).join("\n")
let prompt = undefined;
await startChat({
    model: "gpt-4-0613", // gpt-3.5 is not reliable with times and calculation
    temperature: 1,
    systemMessage: `You are my personal assistant and you schedule my events in my calendar. I want you to create an event for me.
IMPORTANT: The current datetime is: ${new Date().toLocaleString()} in 'MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM:SS AM/PM', it's ${await getCurrentDayOfWeek()}.
If there is no end date or duration specified, I want you to create an event for 1 hour.

The available calendars are:

Use the first '${defaultCalendar}' calendar if no calendar is specified.

IMPORTANT: Use the 'createEvent' function to create the event.`,
    functions: [Functions.createEventFunction],
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
create cal event, apple, chatg...

🧰 chatGpt /

Excuse my French 🔧

Rewrite a text in a professional manner, so it can... (Read more)

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";

let selectedText = await getSelectedText();
let task = `Please rewrite the following text in a professional manner, so I can use it for work. Keep it as short as possible. Here is the text:

await startChat({
    prompt: task,
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    temperature: 1,
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
excuse my french, rewrite emai...

🧰 chatGpt /

Explain like I'm Five 🔧

Explain the selected text like I am five years old... (Read more)

Tool: Explain like I'm Five, Explain the selected text like I am five years old. Get a simple explanation for complex topics. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
explain like im five, eli5, ch...

🧰 chatGpt /

Rephrase Text With ChatGpt 🔧

Rephrase the selected text with ChatGpt.

Tool: Rephrase Text With ChatGpt, Rephrase the selected text with ChatGpt. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
correct text, chatgpt, gpt3, g...

🧰 chatGpt /

ChatGPT Toolkit Settings 🔧

Adjust the settings for the ChatGPT Toolkit.

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { changeSettings } from "../lib/settings";

await changeSettings();
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
settings, api keys, dataforseo

🧰 chatGpt /

Summarize Text With ChatGpt 🔧

Summarize the selected text with ChatGpt.

Tool: Summarize Text With ChatGpt, Summarize the selected text with ChatGpt. Video placeholderPlay Button
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
summarize text, chatgpt, gpt3,...

🧰 chatGpt /

Typescript Code 🔧

Coding helper that gives you code examples in type... (Read more)

// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Linkedin:
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Website:

import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { startChat } from "../lib/common";

await startChat({
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    systemMessage: `You are a proficient software developer who is specialized in Typescript. Please help me with the following and always give code examples in typescript. Always prefer to write code with async/await promises instead of callbacks.`,
💻 Setup
🏷️ Tags
typescript, chatgpt, gpt3, gpt...


One Time Purchase - Unlimited Usage.

There is no subscription. You get the access to the full code and can adjust it to your needs.

ChatGPT Toolkit Solo

  • 1 macOS Devices
  • BYO API Key
  • Source Code Access
  • Create Own Tools
  • Plugins (Webbrowser, Google Search*, Python, Bash, Calendar, more to come..)
Buy Now

ChatGPT Toolkit

  • 3 macOS Devices
  • BYO API Key
  • Source Code Access
  • Create Own Tools
  • Plugins (Webbrowser, Google Search*, Python, Bash, Calendar, more to come..)
Buy Now

Risk Free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you are not happy with the product, you will get a full refund within 30 days.

Based On Open Source Software.
All tools are based solely on ScripKit, an open source application. You will get the source code and can modify it as you wish.
Adjust the Prompts.
Use custom prompts as needed. You can easily change the prompt, leveraging your own prompting knowledge to get the most out of the tools.
Your Data Stored only on Your Machine.
Your data gets send immediately to OpenAI from your local machine. Your data is never stored somewhere else.
Add Your Own Tools - easy peasy.
You can use the same layout for your own tools and create your own prompts with just a few clicks.
Easily Customizable.
You will receive the scripts as they are, and they can be customized according to your requirements. You can modify the prompt, trigger, output, or expand the functionality.
Use ChatGPT-3.5 or 4.
You are using your own OpenAI API Keys. No worries, there are instructions on how to add the API keys and to make sure to not spend too much money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get The ChatGPT Toolkit!

Use ChatGPT in every application. Supercharge your workflow with the plugins. Just one shortcut away.